Negligence Solicitors
Compensation Claim
Medical Negligence Law
Birth Injury
Cholestasis ICP
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
Neonatal Conditions


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Neonatal Injury Compensation Solicitors - Medical Negligence Lawyers

Dangerous neonatal conditions may arise shortly after a child is born which, if not treated quickly and effectively, can place the child at serious risk of permanent disability or even death. Healthcare professionals should be vigilant and be aware of the warning signs of these problems and failure to act appropriately may mean that they are negligent and liable to pay compensation for personal injury for any harm suffered by the child as a result of their inaction. The most common and serious neonatal injuries that give rise to solicitors claims for compensation for medical negligence include:-

    Hip Dysplacia

    Hip Dysplasia is dislocation of the leg and the pelvis. Delay in a diagnosis is a frequent cause of litigation against those medical professionals responsible for neonatal health. Hip examination throughout infancy is essential and should be carried out at regular intervals until the child is walking normally. The child may develop the problem at any stage in development and all healthcare professionals involved in neonatal care should take every opportunity to check a child�s hips as delay in diagnosis may have serious long term effects. Hip dysplasia is often not diagnosed due to negligence until the child is walking and treatment at this stage often involves repeated major surgery.

    Neonatal Hypoglycaemia

    Neonatal Hypoglycaemia is caused by lower than usual concentrations of glucose in the blood stream which can cause permanent damage to the brain. Children are at greatest risk during the first few days after birth particularly the children of insulin dependent mothers, infants with growth retardation, pre-term and asphyxiated infants. Doctors often recognise that a child is hypoglycaemic from test results however they often do not realise the extent to which the child is suffering from neonatal hypoglycaemia and as a result do not take appropriate action to prevent brain damage.

    Hyperbilirubinaemia & Kernicterus

    Hyperbilirubinaemia is rare but very serious neonatal condition which can lead to brain damage known as Kernicterus with symptoms of athetoid cerebral palsy. Health care professionals should be aware of this condition and the signs and symptoms of an infant suffering from hyperbilirubinaemia and take appropriate action to prevent the development of kernicterus. There are several reasons for an increase in bilirubin concentrations in the newborn infant including genetic factors, the effect of certain medications, infections and Rh factor blood incompatibility between the mother and the infant.

Medical Negligence Solicitors

Our medical negligence solicitors deal with personal injury compensation claims for neonatal conditions using the no win no fee scheme which means that if you don't win then you don't pay them any of their professional costs. If you would like advice at no cost and with no obligation on neonatal conditions just complete the contact form or email our solicitors offices or use the helpline and a specialist medical negligence solicitor will review your claim and phone you immediately.

Our medical negligence solicitors have offices situated in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Darwin, and Sydney. Do yourself justice - give us a call.

HELPLINE: ☎ 1800 633 634

The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD whose biography can be read here